21 сентябр 2024, шанбе

Тоҷикӣ   Русский   English Специальная версия

  • 25-10-2019, 22:14

    President Emomali Rahmon Signs Law on Amnesty

    The Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon signed into law the amnesty bill to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan....

  • 12-09-2019, 12:13

    President Emomali Rahmon Made a Working Trip to Danghara District

    Within the framework of his working trip to the cities and districts of Khatlon Province, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President Emomali Rahmon arrived in the Danghara district, where he inspected the Exhibition of Industrial Goods of Khatlon Province....


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