13 сентябр 2024, ҷумъа

Тоҷикӣ   Русский   English Специальная версия

  • 10-03-2023, 15:18

    Briefing on UN Water Conference Held in Kuwait

    On March 8, a briefing on preparations for the UN Conference on the Midterm Review of the Water Decade (March 22-24, 2023, New York) was held at the Embassy of Tajikistan in the State of Kuwait with the participation of the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Kuwait Laurens Westhoff and Permanent...

  • 9-03-2023, 16:00

    Tourism Opportunities of Tajikistan Presented at the ITB Berlin 2023

    On March 7, the international exhibition ITB Berlin 2023 opened in Germany, which will last until March 9. A tourist corner of Tajikistan called “Tajikistan — a country of tourism” on an area of 20 square meters in the national and modern style is presented at this exhibition, the Committee for...


Ба фаъолияти Раёсати экспертизаи давлатии ғайриидоравии ҳуҷҷатҳои лоиҳавии шаҳрсозӣ ва Корхонаи воҳиди давлатии «Ташхисгар» чӣ гуна баҳогузорӣ мекунед?



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