13 сентябр 2024, ҷумъа

Тоҷикӣ   Русский   English Специальная версия

Dushanbe Will Host the 4th International National Wrestling Tournament on March 19

Dushanbe Will Host the 4th International National Wrestling Tournament on March 19On March 19, in honor of the International Holiday of Navruz, Dushanbe will host the 4th International National Wrestling Tournament (Gushtingiri) for the Cup of the Chairman of Dushanbe.

The prize for the first place is $10,000, the second place is $7,000, and the third place is $3,000.

The tournament is held per initiative and with the support of the Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali.

Athletes from 25 countries will take part in the tournament and will compete in 5 weight categories, including -65 kg, 71 kg, 78 kg, 86 kg and +86 kg.

Tajikistan will be represented by 30 successful athletes at the tournament.


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