Tajik Athlete Wins Bronze at the Asian Championship
Tajik athletes took part in the Asian Taekwondo Championship, which was held from June 24 through June 27 in Korean Chuncheon, reported the National Olympic Committee of Tajikistan.
On the last day of the championship, Mohru Halimova in the weight category up to 67 kg won a bronze medal among women. She defeated Maram Fetnassi from Qatar, but lost to Jordanian athlete Juliana Al-Sodiq in the semifinals and took third place. Over 229 athletes from 33 countries took part in the championship. Mahmadjon Sunnatov (63 kg), Muhammadhussein Shomahmadov (68 kg), Muhammadhasan Shomahmadov (80 kg), Shirin Mirshakarzoda (49 kg), Munisa Oymatov (53 kg), and Mohru Halimov (67 kg) were sent as part of Tajik delegation to Korea. This is Mohru Khalimova’s fourth medal at the Asian Championship. She won a silver medal in 2016 and a bronze medal in 2018 and 2021 Asian Championships.
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